What is the DEADPXLZ project anyways?

DEADPXLZ is a collection of 10,000 code-generated, unique & interactable NFTs minted on the Cardano blockchain.

What's special about these NFTs?

What makes DEADPXLZ special among the other NFT collectibles out there is that they're the first interactable tokens that have ever been minted on Cardano!

🤔 What does 'interactable NFT' even mean?

It means that you can change your PXL's mood & background animation with a simple tap or click.

Each DEADPXLZ NFT comes packed with 3 moods - happy 😊, neutral 😐 & sad 🙁

Tap it a few times!👇 (and YES, this is an actual PXL NFT!)

Pro tip: Make your PXL happy & it will start winking back at you.

In addition to this, all PXLZ also feature 8 different background animations which you can cycle through randomly by tapping or clicking on them.

Some PXLZ feature attributes which may cover up their mouth or eyes but that doesn't mean they don't change moods.

🚨 Decentralized stats

Double-tapping or double-clicking your PXL will reveal its attributes + their scarcity & more!👇

Yep - no need for a centralized 3rd party marketplace to host your token in order to reveal how scarce it actually is! DEADPXLZ allows you to brag about that super rare attribute right from the PXL's IPFS link! You can close the stats panel by simply tapping on it.

🎈 I call this EMBEDDED STATS - a truly unique NFT feature brought to you for the first time ever on the blockchain by the DEADPXLZ project!

Meet a random PXL via this interactive tutorial here 👉

What attributes do PXLZ have?

There's a total of 69 🙃 attributes which are combined together to make each PXL unique.

In addition to this, there are 6 types of PXLZ:

One PXL can have from 0 to a maximum of 8 attributes most of which feature animated graphics.

🔭 Discover them all on the PXL EXPLORER!

🔥 How can I own a PXL?

There are 3 official sale events set to happen. Check out the sale events page for deets.

What does owning a PXL mean?

Owning a PXL means that you hold the token in your Cardano wallet. Any Shelley-era wallet works btw - either Daedalus, Yoroi or AdaLite

Here's an example of how your PXL will look like in Daedalus:

You can see that each PXL has a unique fingerprint received upon creation. This fingerprint is permanently embedded within the Cardano blockchain and is forever tied to the token's minting policy ID.

OK but how do I get to actually see my PXL?

Let's take the Daedalus example from above. In addition to the token fingerprint & policy ID mumbo jumbo, you can also see the asset's human-readable name: PXL7091.

There are a few ways to get from there to here:

The easiest way is to just go over to the PXLZ EXPLORER & type in your PXL ID in the search bar on the top:

From here you'll be able to launch your PXL in a new tab as well as check out all token info on the Cardanoscan explorer.

Another way to get to your PXL would be to open the token in a blockchain explorer of your choosing.

Example: turns into

From there you can navigate to the token's mint transaction hash:

Then click on the metadata for that transaction (the grey field which starts with 721):

Then scroll until you find your asset in the pop-up that appears:

Here you'll be able to see your PXL's attributes, type as well as the IPFS URLs:

OR you could just get to your PXL via the PXLZ EXPLORER - your choice 😂

🔒 How is PXL ownership guaranteed?

All PXLZ are inextricably tied to their respective mint transaction metadata which is stored on the Cardano blockchain upon minting the NFT. The metadata provides all the information related to that specific token.

In addition to the token attributes and type, the metadata also points to files which are stored on IPFS and as such are immutable thus guaranteeing to the owner of the token that he is also the current owner of said files.

All this information is publicly available on any of the Cardano blockchain explorers and can be viewed by navigating to the token's mint transaction by way of its minting policy.

🤓 If you want to go deeper down the rabbit hole, the mint tx metadata JSON template is available in the DEADPXLZ Github repo & is compliant with the current Cardano Metadata CIP NFT 721 standard.

When owning a PXL token you own the underlying assets as well. These assets (ake the actual collectible item) are hosted on IPFS forever and can never change.

What else does owning a PXL get me?

Your PXL is essentially 5 NFTs in 1 (all hosted on IPFS):

  1. The PXL (text/html type) - the main asset which you can interact with
  2. The PXL thumbnail image (image/png type) - a portrait image of the PXL, used for displaying the asset on 3rd party websites if they do not support displaying html assets.
  3. The PXL social card image (image/png type) - a landscape image of the PXL which appears whenever you want to share the direct IPFS URL on social media or messaging apps. In addition to this, all PXLz come with titles (in the form of PXL #XXXX and descriptions which also appear whenever you share their direct link. More about this in the USE CASES section.
  4. The PXL app icon (image/png) - a square image of the PXL which acts as an application icon when you view your PXL in the browser or download it on your device (yes, you can do that & it's pretty awesome!😍 Check here for a step-by-step).
  5. The PXL webmanifest file (type text/json) - a JSON file which turns its corresponding PXL into a Progressive Web Application (PWA). More about this in the USE CASES section.

How do I know if my PXL is authentic?

Just check its minting policy ID. If it's 1ec85dcee27f2d90ec1f9a1e4ce74a667dc9be8b184463223f9c9601, you're good.

Have all 10,000 PXLZ been minted?

Yes - check it out here.

Are there more than 10,000 PXLZ?

No & there never will be! The minting policy becomes time locked on May 21st 2021 (slot 30,000,000). See it on

Anything else?

Actually yes - the PXLZ also have a Cardano staking pool where they like to hang out - so if you want to support the project you can delegate your stake to the PXLZ cause! Go here for details.

👉 Find it in your delegation center by searching for the PXLZ ticker.

Where do we go from here?

You can suggest extra items for this page by asking questions on the official channels where you can also engage with the community & stay up to date with the upcoming sale events:

Discord | Twitter | Github

If you want to know the backstory of this project, visit the ABOUT page.

📱 Please rotate your device.